- Number of years cheering: 15
- Number of years cheering on Eye: 2
- Hometown (City/State): Phoenix, MD
- Fav food: Strawberries
- Fav color: Pink/glitter
- Fav restaurant: Panera
- Fav candy: Reese’s cups
- Fav ice cream flavor: Mint Chocolate Chip
- Pet (type of animal/name): My dog, Maizie
- Fav tv show: Pioneer Woman
- Fav movie: Carissa American Girl
- Fav song: Number 1 You/Boomerang by Jojo Siwa
- Fav cheer competition: Cheersport (Atlanta) and Worlds (Orlando)
- Fav cheer team: Eye and F5
- Fav thing about being on Eye: Everything!
- Do you play any other sports (or dance/sing, etc.) Special Olympics Track and Field, Bowling, crafting, singing, dancing